Hey, I'm Kevin Le

Frontend Developer based in San Jose, California


As a Frontend Developer with a unique background in hospitality, I bring a distinctive blend of resourcefulness and adaptability to building user-friendly interfaces and experiences.

Outside of coding, I enjoy volleyball 🏐, backpacking 🥾🥾, playing video games 🎮, and spending time with my dogs 🐕 (Bert, Hank, and Lucy). I'm always looking for opportunities to learn and grow as a developer.

  • Apple

    UI Engineer

    Apple ⋅ Contract

    • Developed custom internal tools for Apple's internal teams using Vue and TypeScript
  • Zendesk

    Front End Web Developer

    Zendesk ⋅ Full-time

    • Built pixel-perfect front-facing interfaces and websites following guidelines and mockups provided, utilizing VueJS and JavaScript on the Zendesk platform, embodying object-oriented design principles.
    • Developed custom integrations with third-party APIs to create tailored solutions for clients, enhancing application scalability and security, which resulted in improved client satisfaction and retention
    • Designed and iterated architecture for frontend interfaces, ensuring strong performance and leveraging data structures for efficient data handling, which led to faster load times and improved application responsiveness
    • Collaborated with cross-functional teams including engineers and UX designers to scope out and implement custom applications aligned with customer needs.



  • CSSlogoCSS
  • HTMLlogoHTML
  • JavaScriptlogoJavaScript
  • TypeScriptlogoTypeScript


  • Chrome DevToolslogoChrome DevTools
  • FigmalogoFigma
  • GitlogoGit
  • GitHublogoGitHub
  • PostmanlogoPostman
  • VS CodelogoVS Code


  • Next.jslogoNext.js
  • React.jslogoReact.js
  • TailwindCSSlogoTailwindCSS
  • Vue.jslogoVue.js


  • ExpresslogoExpress
  • Node.jslogoNode.js
